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Honda CB/CL/SL Cam Chain Roller Installation Instructions

Honda CB350 (CL and SL), and CB750 cam chain rollers assembled

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These installation instructions will walk you through the installation of our cam chain rollers for the Honda CB350 (including CL/SL) and CB750 engines.

Tools Required

  • .272in Diameter Drill Bit (7mm)

  • Hydraulic Press (or similar)

    • Can get by with a good bench vice

Components Required


Removal of OEM Rollers

  • Drill out the head of the OEM cam chain roller rivet using the .272in (7mm) drill bit)

  • Push the rivet out of the cam chain roller assembly after the rivet head is removed

  • Remove the OEM rollers from the stamped steel housing

Parts you MUST reuse:

  • OEM upper roller bushing with keying features (if excessively worn, replace)

Honda CB350 (CL and SL), and CB750 cam chain roller upper roller bushing
  • OEM lower roller axle (if excessively worn, replace)

Honda CB350 (CL and SL), and CB750 cam chain rollers lower axle

Parts you will NOT use:

  • OEM lower roller bushing with single keying feature

Honda CB350 (CL and SL), and CB750 cam chain roller lower sleeve

Installation of New Rollers

  • Begin by grinding a 90°-100° included angle tip on the end of a piece of steel to be used as a riveting tool. The diameter of the tool should be at least .38in to ensure proper rivet deformation. Alternatively, you can use the custom designed rivet driving tool available for sale.

Honda CB350 (CL and SL), and CB750 cam chain roller rivet driver, custom grind

Alternatively, you can purchase our optimized driver tool for rivet installation shown below.

Honda CB350 (CL and SL), and CB750 cam chain roller rivet driver
  • Install the factory upper roller bushing into the needle bearing of the roller sprocket and slide into keying location as shown.

Honda CB350 (CL and SL), and CB750 upper cam chain roller install
Honda CB350 (CL and SL), and CB750 upper cam chain roller installed

  • Install the supplied rivet in the oriented shown, such that the oil supply hole is aligned with the oil hole in the bushing. Rivet is designed to be installed from the keying side of the bushing. Mark the flanged portion of the rivet to indicate the location of the hole so when it is inserted into the bore, the orientation of the oil hole is still known. The hole should align perpendicular to the vertical opposing keying features in the bushing.

Honda CB350 (CL and SL), and CB750 upper cam chain roller rivet install
Honda CB350 (CL and SL), and CB750 upper cam chain roller rivet alignment

  • While maintaining the orientation of the rivet shown above, move the assembly to a hydraulic press, and use the tool that was ground at the beginning of the instructions to gently deform the rivet as shown. Be sure to only support the rivet head while applying force, and not press against the stamped steel housing, which will cause improper rivet engagement, and damage to both the rivet and housing. Before and after shown below.

Honda CB350 (CL and SL), and CB750 upper cam chain roller rivet in press
Honda CB350 (CL and SL), and CB750 upper cam chain roller rivet pressed and properly deformed
  • Apply some clean engine oil to the roller bearing interfaces

  • Installation is complete



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