Table of Contents
Looking to add a Banjo Bolt Oil Sight Glass to your XR650L or XR600R? This guide will show you how to do the installation.
Tools Required
10mm wrench/socket with ratchet
12mm wrench/socket with ratchet
19mm or 3/4in open end wrench or adjustable wrench
Torque wrench
Components and Chemicals Required
XR650L Banjo Bolt Oil Sight Glass Assembly
These instructions will step you through the process of installing the oil sight glass onto your cylinder head.
1. Remove the OEM Banjo Bolt
Using a 10mm wrench/socket, remove the OEM banjo bolt and copper washer under the bolt head. Be sure to keep the copper washer between the oil feed line and the cylinder head in place. If the Washer is damaged, replace it.

2. Pre-Assemble the Sight Glass Assembly
Assemble the oil sight glass assembly as shown below. First install copper washer onto the banjo bolt, then install the new banjo bolt, then install the second copper washer on the opposite side of the housing.

3. Install the Assembly Onto the Engine
Wipe all mating surfaces of the oil sight glass, banjo bolt, and oil feed line clean. Any small dirt particles may cause a leak and or damage to the sealing faces of the assembly. Using a 12mm wrench/socket and ratchet, Install the banjo bolt and sight glass assembly onto your cylinder head, ensuring that the inner most copper washer between the oil line and the cylinder head is properly seated. Hold the desired rotational position of the oil sight glass housing in position using a 19mm or 3/4in open end wrench. Torque the banjo bolt to a maximum of 13ft-lb. Over tightening the banjo bolt will damage the assembly.

Assembly is now complete. You should see oil flow through your sight glass within seconds of starting your engine. You will also notice oil flows back down out of the cylinder head oil feed line when engine is shut off. This is a normal function of the oiling system.
