Table of Contents
These installation instructions will walk you through the installation of our DOT legal LED headlight assembly specifically designed for your XR650L.
The OEM headlight uses an incandescent bulb which converts the majority of the electrical power it consumes to heat instead of using it to produce more light output. Our LED headlight assembly uses only 44% of the electrical power on low and high beam when compared with the OEM headlight. This not only is significantly more efficient, it also frees up power output of your stator to be used for other accessories you may choose to run, and provides you with less battery drain and a reduced overall electrical system strain.
Tools Required
10mm wrench/socket with ratchet
12mm wrench/socket with ratchet
19mm or 3/4in open end wrench or adjustable wrench
Torque wrench
Components Required
These instructions will step you through the process of installing the headlight assembly onto your XR650L.
Using a 10mm wrench/socket, remove the bolts from both sides holding the front headlight shroud on.
With both shroud bolts removed, pull upward and forward on the shroud to remove it.
Using a 12mm socket, remove the two bolts (one per side) holding the headlight assembly onto the frame (support the headlight when removing the last bolt).
With the headlight removed, disconnect the electrical connection by wiggling it slightly as you pull upward and it will pull away from the headlight lamp.
Remove the protective plastic cover from your headlight
Re-connect the headlight electrical connection cable to the new LED headlight assembly
Re-install the bolts to the LED headlight assembly using a 12mm socket, making sure that the headlight is oriented with the cable connection at the bottom of the headlight, not the top.
Install the headlight shroud and insert and torque the final mounting screws using a 10mm socket.
If it's daytime, sorry to hear that..... If it's nighttime, enjoy your new found illumination!